24 in / 8 out GPI interface

GPICommander is two things: a USB to GPI Converter and a software. You can send or receive GPI triggers using AppleScript, so it can be used with any macOS application. Since version 2.2, there is also a REST API available so you can send and receive GPI triggers very easily.

If needed, an SDK is available if you want to have direct access to it without AppleScript (it also runs on Windows then and it enables you to control the unit by writing C code.)

It has 24 inputs (open-collector type, common ground) and 8 independant relay outputs but since each unit has a unique serial ID, you can chain more than once on the USB bus to have more inputs and/or outputs.

AppleScript Integration

Download our GPICommander application so you can :

  • Trigger an AppleScript when any of the 8 input changes status (On to OFF or OFF to ON).
  • Use AppleScripts to trigger the 24 outputs of the GPICommander box.
Direct Integration

A few of our software have a direct integration with GPICommander (so without having to create AppleScripts). For example:

  • With MovieRecorder, you can trigger the recording
  • With OnTheAir Video, you can play/pause, skipt to next, etc...
  • With Multicam Logger, you can change the selected angles when connected to the GPIout of your production switcher

In /Out
GPI Commander
Number of inputs 24 on a DB 25 connector (ground on pin 25)
Number of outputs 8 on phoenix connector with screw contacts
Applications which have direct integration * GPI Input GPI Output
MovieRecorder Express
MovieStreamer HLS
Multicam Logger
OnTheAir CG
OnTheAir Node
OnTheAir Switch
OnTheAir Video
OnTheAir Video Express

* If you are using a GPICommander box v3, make sure that your software supports it.

GPICommander application ** macOS Windows Linux
Available to download for free

SDK is available. Contact us if you are a developer and want to control it in your app.
Control Outputs (puls, on/off) using AppleScripts
Trigger AppleScripts when input status changes

** If you use an application that does not have a direct integration (see above), you can use our application GPICommander, available to download for free, which can be used together with AppleScripts to build an integration.

macOS compatibility*
Big Sur
High Sierra
El Capitan
3.5 or later
3.1 to 3.2

* These requirements are for the GPICommander application, not for other software. Make sure to also check the GPICommander boxes software requirements, as depending on the model of the box, you will need specific versions of the Softron application..
Software Specs
Recommended macOS macOS 11.0 or later
Recommended RAM 2 GB
Recommended Mac All Mac should be supported.

Specs of the GPICommander Box
Software requirements Due to difficulties to source the chip used in GPICommander, we have different versions of the box (v2, 3.0, v3.1), with different software requirements. Make sure to check the following article for more info on which application supports which version of the boc.
Inputs 24 (DB25) - The inputs are simple "contact closure", they are considered ON when grounded (connected to the ground on pin 25). WARNING: If you supply voltage to the inputs, you may damage the unit.
Outputs 8 (Phoenix) - The outputs are simple independent relays that short (connect) each pair of output connection (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc...). The relays accept up to 220V going through them.
Maximum voltage on outputs Check the following specifications.
Maximum voltage on inputs NOT SUPPORTED. Do not enter any voltage, inputs are simple contact closure.
Connection to host computer USB 2.0
Power By USB
About these specifications

We know that some of our users can not upgrade their macOS very often. This is why Softron tries to maintain compatibility with older versions of macOS as much as possible, but it is not always possible to achieve. Because Operating Systems are usually significantly improved over previous versions, Softron must use many of the more capable built-in functionalities inherent in Apple's latest OS releases. Failing to do so would mean that Softron software would essentially be blocked from using the new Frameworks provided in the OS. For this reason, Softron's free support is provided only on the current and previous macOS versions. Also, most of our tests will be done on these macOS versions, and only basic tests will be done on the previous OS. We will always try to help, but in some cases, the best solution is to upgrade your macOS to a more recent version.

Softron does not warrant that these recommended configurations will always meet specific user requirements. They are intended as guidelines and are based on extensive testing that Softron has done, they can be changed without notice. Hardware, drivers, software and operating systems change regularly and we advise users and prospective users to evaluate their requirements in their specific environment/workflow using Softron demo licenses that are available for downloading from Softron's web site.

Version 3.5.3 - 3 April 2024

Useful Resources

Installation instructions

Once downloaded, unzip the file, and run the installer. Connect your GPICommander box to your Mac in USB, then start the GPICommander application, and you should be able to control it.

Software Licenses

The GPICommander application is a free application to use with the GPICommander box.

Upgrade/Update instructions

Just download the latest version and replace your previous version. It is always recommended to run extensive tests with your specific workflow and setup before putting a new version in production. You can use a free demo version for that on a separate computer. Previous legacy versions are available from the general downloads page.

Legacy versions
GPICommander 3.5.1
12 August 2022
GPICommander 3.2.2
12 August 2022
GPICommander 2.6
1 June 2021