The MOS Incredible thing happened...

OnTheAir MOS Gateway is the middleman between your NRCS system and OnTheAir Video, Softron's playout application using the MOS protocol.

Integrate with your Newsroom Computer System (NRCS)

OnTheAir MOS Gateway brings your NRCS workflow into OnTheAir Video in a way no other product can. Active running orders are immediately available to OnTheAir Video with story titles and MOS object status. Producers can add, remove, or rearrange stories and the playlist is immediately updated.

Included Webpage Control

OnTheAir MOS Gateway includes an HTML plugin accessible directly from ENPS, or any browser. There you can easily create MOS objects and edit their linked media, file names, or duration, and you can preview the content. Quickly filter media by name or by objects with missing media.

Make Your Video Server Play and Work

OnTheAir Video's ability to trigger routers, ATEMs, graphics, GPI devices, or non-destructively edit media is supported in OnTheAir MOS Gateway. Even better, MOS objects retain their link to the media. Edits to the media stay when rearranging stories or reusing media objects in other running orders. Fix a spelling error once and it is fixed for every show.

One App. Many Uses.

OnTheAir MOS Gateway makes content creation easier. Once the playlist is in OnTheAir Video, use an ATEM or Tricaster to trigger the video playback for live shows, or schedule a time for the playlist to run on its own. Or do both at the same time, as one OnTheAir MOS Gateway can serve multiple OnTheAir Video instances.

Powerful "template" workflow

Create reusable action templates in OnTheAir Video to apply on media. Control your switcher input, run a macro, trigger MIDI devices, and much more. Update the template and OnTheAir MOS Gateway updates every MOS object that uses it.

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World Class Support

Support is included in our permanent licenses. There are no recurring fees.
Softron has a worldwide network of highly skilled specialists ready to assist.
Setting up our software is simple and straightforward. But we are always happy to help.
Our customers love our products and our support.

Buy or Upgrade

Make sure to test with our free DEMO version available for download before purchasing so you are sure it fits your need. Contact us to get a temporary license to start testing. After your test, you will keep on using the same application.

You will also need
macOS compatibility
Big Sur
1.4 and later
1.0 to 1.3

Specs and Requirements
Supported Mac computers
Intel Processors: All

Apple Silicon Processors: All

Recommended RAM 4 GB.
Supported Graphics Cards All are supported, no specific requirement. A graphics card that supports Metal is recommended.
Number of license required One license required per output (per OnTheAir Video license).
Other requirements One license of OnTheAir Video required.
Supported Newsroom Computer Systems
NRCS Supported? Plugin provided Comment
ENPS v9 or later required for the plugin
Avid - iNews
Work in progress. Some limitations will apply because of what iNews supports in MOS.
Contact us to enquire about support
Ross - Inception
Contact us to enquire about support
About these specifications

We know that some of our users can not upgrade their macOS very often. This is why Softron tries to maintain compatibility with older versions of macOS as much as possible, but it is not always possible to achieve. Because Operating Systems are usually significantly improved over previous versions, Softron must use many of the more capable built-in functionalities inherent in Apple's latest OS releases. Failing to do so would mean that Softron software would essentially be blocked from using the new Frameworks provided in the OS. For this reason, Softron's free support is provided only on the current and previous macOS versions. Also, most of our tests will be done on these macOS versions, and only basic tests will be done on the previous OS. We will always try to help, but in some cases, the best solution is to upgrade your macOS to a more recent version.

Softron does not warrant that these recommended configurations will always meet specific user requirements. They are intended as guidelines and are based on extensive testing that Softron has done, they can be changed without notice. Hardware, drivers, software and operating systems change regularly and we advise users and prospective users to evaluate their requirements in their specific environment/workflow using Softron demo licenses that are available for downloading from Softron's web site.

OnTheAir MOS Gateway
Contact us to get access to the link
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Useful Resources

About a free DEMO temporary license

If you want to test OnTheAir MOS Gateway before purchasing, make sure to (contact us to ask for a temporary serial number. Unlike with most of our other software, we don't have a "permanent" free demo mode for OnTheAir MOS Gateway.

Installation instructions

Once downloaded, unzip the file, and drag and drop the application in your "Applications" folder.
Warning! Do NOT run OnTheAir MOS Gateway from your downloads folder or it will be quarantined. Always drag and drop from the Downloads folder to the Applications folder before using it.

Accessory Software

OnTheAir MOS Gateway requires a license of OnTheAir Video to be able to connect to it.

OnTheAir Video
Playout video
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How to unlock the DEMO version ?

Purchase a license through one of our resellers or the Softron online store, then just activate your serial number in the License window or plug your dongle in the computer.

Upgrade/Update instructions

Just download the latest version and replace your previous version. It is always recommended to run extensive tests with your specific workflow and setup before putting a new version in production. You can use a free demo version for that on a separate computer. Previous legacy versions are available from the general downloads page.

You do not need to deactivate and reactivate your serial number when updating your Softron software. Read the following article to know when to deactivate.

This software uses code of FFmpeg, licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here.