
Release Notes for MovieRecorder and MovieRecorder Express 4.1.3

  • Added support for Timecode Systems UltraSync BLUE (timecode over Bluetooth)
  • Added support for Deltacast 12G cards
  • Restored compatibility with older Macs that did not have a graphics card supporting Metal (we now use OpenGL again for these computers)
  • Autosplit duration was not properly saved
  • State of GPI outputs were inverted

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.1.3 only

  • Added a 16:9 option when downscaling to SD
  • Aspect ration when downscaling to SD Letterbox

Release Notes for MovieRecorder and MovieRecorder Express 4.1.0

    Warning:Version 4.1 of MovieRecorder can not use DNxHD MXF OpAtom anymore, generci OP1a will be used instead.

  • Added support for Stream Deck (allows to select viewers, and gang Start/Stop recording)
  • The previews are now done using Metal instead of OpenGL. This improves performances and make sure that our application is "Future Proof". A lot of code, but only under the hood. There should be no changes in terms of usability
  • User Interface slightly modified to better match Mojave's dark mode (but we don't have a light mode yet)
  • Memory leak with direct link

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.1.0 only

  • Trigger AppleScripts when a recording starts, ends or when an error is logged. This can be useful if you need to do notifications (You can send mails with AppleScripts), or control other applications (such as OnTheAir Switch to control a video router)
  • An issue when remotely controlling a MovieRecorder, and sending large amount of Metadata

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.1.2 only

  • A crash when using an AppleScript for the stop recording but not for the start.
  • Layout of Stream Deck
  • A memory leak issues with "Direct Link" (receiving frames directly from our playout applications running on the same Mac)
  • A crash when remotely controling MovieRecorders that had long metadata fields. (the emitter was the problem)

Release Notes for MovieRecorder and MovieRecorder Express 4.0.7

  • Destination File Naming: Added a "FolderName" token to use in custom file naming
  • H.264 Encoder: Added a "Allow Frame Reordering"
  • For QuickTime Segmented and None destinations, we now finish writing the frames in our buffers when recording stops
  • Scheduled Recordings: "Stopped" scheduled recordings are now enabled again when the application restarts (were previously in "mixed state" and thus would not start again)
  • Audio LTC Sources: when the selected source disappears and reappears, it now reconnects
  • Logs now show if the log come from a remote MovieRecorder
  • Reconnections to TC sources
  • AVPresets not saved properly
  • Issues when NDI Sources would disappear
  • Viewers Audio Preview: Now supports more than 16 channel
  • Viewers Audio Preview: Status on/off was inverted
  • it could take a few seconds to close a movie file recorded with AAC audio

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.0.7 only

  • External Audio Sources: Removed some excessive logging
  • Issues with long AVCIntra recordings
  • Issue AVPresets may not have been saved properly

Release Notes for MovieRecorder and MovieRecorder Express 4.0.4

  • M|Family: Added a preference to select level a or b for 1080p50 or 1080p60 signal
  • NDI sources now remain visible even if they are "offline", so you can enable or remove them
  • Source name is now added to the recording name only if there are 2 sources recording to the same folder
  • AVPresets are now saved more often (previously was only when selecting a different AVPreset, now saved when pref window is closed, or goes in background)
  • Accuracy with Timecode Systems products with high frame rates
  • Duration of automatic split recording is now properly updated in Classic destinations
  • An issue with some file formats where there could be some audio missing at the end of a recording. This caused Adobe Premiere to still think that the file was growing

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.0.5 only

  • Added a "Render Buffer" gauge in the "Activity and Logs" window to monitor the "Effects and Overlays" performances
  • Metadata are now saved more often (previously was only when clicking on the "Apply" button, now saved when pref window is closed, or goes in background)
  • Performances when rendering overlays
  • Performances with DV/DVCPRO/DVCPRO HD encoders
  • Closed Captioning support for more formats
  • An issue when selecting MXF DNxHD (the OpAtom menu was not properly selected)
  • Field order with DV/DVCPRO encoders
  • M|Family: Added a preference to select level a or b for 1080p50 or 1080p60 signal
  • Closed Captioning support
  • Performances with DV/DVCPRO/DVCPRO HD encoders
  • An issue when selecting MXF DNxHD (the OpAtom menu was not properly selected)
  • An issue with some file formats where there could be some audio missing at the end of a recording. This caused Adobe Premiere to still think that the file was growing.
  • Field order with DV/DVCPRO encoders

Warning: The new "Write Closed-captions" option is turned off by default because some users reported issues with some software when a CC track was present. Make sure to turn on the option if needed.

Release Notes for MovieRecorder and MovieRecorder Express 4.0.4

  • Messages and warnings when Volume was unmounted or getting full, or when folder is missing
  • NDI sources now use the IP and source name instead of IP and port number, so it will maintain the connection to sources better. Note that you will have to add your NDI sources again.
  • Sorting and naming of sources
  • If AVPreset is missing when MovieRecorder starts, it will show a warning on the destination and indicate it as missing (previously it reverted to the default AVPreset)
  • Warning messages when using remote sources
  • Support for 50 and 60p signals with M|Family
  • When editing recording name, if mouse moves away, selection of field is maintained
  • Field Priority issue in SD with M|Family
  • Issues when zooming in and changing viewers layout

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.0.4 only

  • Destinations: Added an option to write the Closed Captions track or not.
  • IMX codec in NTSC for MXF destinations
  • Metadata on remote sources
  • When restoring a configuration, we now also restore which source is assigned to which viewer
  • Re-implemented Loop through for some AJA devices
  • HDV Preset now uses Quad mono audio
  • Desination token is now not added anymore if auto naming creates a different file name
  • Metadata on remote sources
  • MXF IMX and AVC-Intra
  • Files do not show anymore as "growing" in Premiere, even after the recording
  • Auto-switch: no frames lost between files
  • Reel Name is now properly saved
  • Lock/Unlock of remote sources
  • Muxing mode of MXF is now properly saved when switching from MR 3 to MR 4 and back

Release Notes for MovieRecorder and MovieRecorder Express 4.0.2

  • Improved "Reel" Metadata: Now with a stepper for easier control and the "Reel" token has been added in the custom naming in destinations
  • Added a "Single source web UI" option to remotely control just one source from a web browser (ideal to control from an iPhone or iPad)
  • Added new Keyboard shortcuts (Lock/Unlock). Warning the Keyboard shortcut to show the log window is now "cmd+shift+L
  • Notifications when there are issues with the storage used (disk getting full or unmounting)
  • Deinterlace feature now works in 8bit (still not compatible with 10bit sources)
  • Lock/unlock of remote sources protected with passsword
  • Downscaling and Upscaling with AJA devices
  • Compatibility issues with Deltacast 8C and 4C cards

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.0.2 only

  • Added the ability to map up to 64 channels of audio in AVPresets (for Dante external audio devices for example)
  • HDV Recommended preset is now using 4 mono tracks for compatibility with MXF XDCAM Muxing
  • Issues with autos-plit when using XDCAM

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 4.0.3 only

  • MXF AVC-Intra and IMX
  • Added Keyboard shortcuts to control the gang recordings
  • Warnings and logs when there are issues with a destination. (Removed excessive logs)
  • When an AVPreset is missing or is incompatible, it now shows a warning, instead of automatically reverting to the default AVPreset
  • Contact Softron Support menu. Properly gathering the System profiler when using "Collect Log" only.
  • Preview is Retina again
  • Crash when the folder in the destination did not exist
  • Added the ability to play H.265 (HEVC) files with hardware acceleration. Requires macOS 10.13 or later and a Mac using a 6th generation core intel processor or later
  • Added new preferences when controlling the playback with ATEM Production Switchers
  • When using the "Contact Support" feature, there is not anymore that 7MB limit for logs
  • UI issues with macOS 10.13
  • Added the ability to play H.265 (HEVC) files with hardware acceleration. Requires macOS 10.13 or later and a Mac using a 6th generation core intel processor or later
  • Added new preferences when controlling the playback with ATEM Production Switchers
  • When using the "Contact Support" feature, there is not anymore that 7MB limit for logs
  • UI issues with macOS 10.13

MovieRecorder 4 and MovieRecorder Express 4 available as beta versions

These versions should already be quite stable, but we are fine tuning a few codecs performances, and some features.
Feel free to test this version and stay tuned for future releases.

Ten years after the release of the first version of MovieRecorder, we are bringing another major (r)evolution to ingest solutions with MovieRecorder 4 and MovieRecorder Express 4. We will be showing MovieRecorder 4 at IBC2017, stand 7.G12, so come by and see for yourself.

New in MovieRecorder 4:

  • Fully configurable user interface
  • NDI® sources
  • External audio sources
  • Effects and overlays
  • HEVC (H.265) support
  • Save and restore configurations

About MovieRecorder Express 4:

MovieRecorder Express 4 is an entry-level version of MovieRecorder. It uses the same reliable recording engine and beautiful user interface as MovieRecorder 4, with the same outstanding features such as edit-while-ingest, NDI® sources, scheduling, remote control,... But it limits some of the available features to make it even more affordable for everyone.

MovieRecorder 4 and MovieRecorder Express 4 will be available for purchase on October 1st, 2017. Contact us if you are interested in being part of the beta program when it's available.

NDI™ is exciting, right? It's even better on the Mac! Softron is adding to the excitement by implementing NDI™ in all of our playout applications. Now, thanks to NDI™, you can transfer HD and 4K video over a simple ethernet cable. No need for routers or even SDI cables anymore. All this while preserving the ease-of-use and reliability of our products.

  • Compatibility of "Classic" growing files with Final Cut Pro X 10.3.3.
  • "Tokens" in metadata were not easily readable (changed text color)

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 3.5.4

  • Added extra logs to know the version of drivers, if a monitor is connected, etc...
  • Issue introduced in 3.5.2 with the impossibility to use a modifier key in recording name field
  • Issue with the custom counter tokens

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 3.5.2

  • Added a "custom" autosplit duration
  • Added the ability to set a custom "Reel Name" to the QuickTime timecode track (set in the metadata popover)
  • Added a preference to set the "Quality" of the previews. This can help to ease up what is required from the Graphics card, especially when using multiple channels
  • In custom naming, the "sample" can now be displayed on multiple lines
  • Audio AAC preset now only correctly limit the bitrate to 160 kbps per channel
  • Check for max bitrate depending on selected H.264 profile level
  • When using Deltacast SDI embedded TC, the timecode was set to NDF
  • In some rare cases encoding could stop if the encoder needed to duplicate frames because the computer did not follow
  • In "Classic" destinations, with drop frame timecodes, timecode could be wrong when recording stopped as it was saved as "non drop frame"

!!! NEW requirements:

  • Mac OS 10.10.5 or later (10.9.5 is no longer supported)
  • AJA Drivers 12.4.2 or later
  • Deltacast Drivers 5.21 or later !!!
  • No changes for Decklink (10.3.1 or later).

Check the system requirements page for MovieRecorder.

Release Notes for MovieRecorder 3.5

  • Updated video devices SDK and frameworks
  • Edit metadata remotely
  • Counter token in custom naming schemes: place the counter token where you want
  • Some tokens in custom naming schemes can now be formatted differently (Year, Month, Day, Counter)
  • Edit end time or duration of scheduled recordings while they are taking place
  • Display 20 Viewers (4x5)
  • Added more controls with Contour Shuttle to control VTRs
  • Added support for metadata of Borneo MAM
  • Added support for .m4v extension when recording to H.264
  • When in DEMO mode, remote recorders will now show DEMO at the end of their name (to avoid confusion and issues)
  • AJA cards now appear/disappear in the list of playback devices when the device is connected/disconnected
  • When recording to Classic with XDCAM, there are no more issues with long durations (but this is not recommended still)
  • TC track now use the fps of the video input not of the TC source (improves behaviour for users with Audio LTC source)
  • The menu "Contact Softron Support..." now gathers the unified logs of macOS Sierra
  • Some issues with scheduled recordings
  • Issues with scheduled recordings on Daylight Savings time days
  • Audio mapping issues when configuring AVpresets
  • Timecode accuracy when recording to Segmented destination in XDCAM (2 frames offset)
  • When recording in p50 or p59.94 for more than 9 hours there were incompatibility with the QuickTime file format. We have thus now limited the maximum duration to 9 hours.
  • Issues with JPEG2000 when recording to interlaced formats
  • Metadata Sidecar file is now generated also for Scheduled and VTR recordings
  • The Activity and Logs window was sometimes collapsed in Sierra
  • Better AV sync when the signal was disconnected from a Blackmagic Design HDMI source
  • Clip names in Serial VTR can not be empty anymore
  • Encoding performances with DNxHD