OnTheAir Video Express, OnTheAir Video, OnTheAir Node - Version 3.1.10
May 30

Release Notes for version 3.1.10 for all playout applications:

  • Added support for AJA Audio routing feature
  • Added an option to “Acquire” AJA cards
  • General stability and performance improvements
  • Fixed a gamma issue when using ARGB with the Smart Resize and Graphics option
  • Fixed a possible performance issue when the logs were written to a network drive
  • Fixed a possible artefact with some codecs (XDCAM, HDV)
  • Fixed an issue with some .mp3 files
  • Fixed an issue with the deactivations on Mac OS 10.8

Release Notes for version 3.1.10 for OnTheAir Node only:

  • Added compatibility of slave mode with scheduled playout
  • Added an AJA audio routing attribute
  • Fixed an issue with logos being inverted
  • Fixed an issue with the installer