OnTheAir Live - Version 3.0.0
Oct 23

OnTheAir Live goes from version 1.2.14 to version 3.0. The reason for that version jump is that OnTheAir Live 1.3.5 still used QuickTime to preview and trim the clip in the inspector. This could be confusing as OnTheAir Live was not able to read some files that OnTheAir Node could, or the other way around. With version 3.0, we now use the same engine for the OnTheAir Live preview as OnTheAir Node 3 uses to playout files. So the files that can be read by both applications are identical. This is a major change in itself which then deserved a major version number change. By using version 3, we also bring it in line with OnTheAir Node, which is also at version 3.

  • Added the ability to scrub in the timeline of the playlist (hold the cmd key down and click - requires OnTheAir Node 3.3 or later).
  • Fixed an issue with Keychain.