OnTheAir Video Express, OnTheAir Video - Version 3.3.1
Nov 05

Release notes for both OnTheAir Video Express and OnTheAir Video 3.3.1

  • Modify the audio gain for clips
  • Control the playback from an ATEM mixer through an IP protocol (no GPI cabling needed anymore)
  • Skip to 5 seconds before the end of the clip shortcut (to just check how clips chain): cmd + alt + left or right arrows
  • The "Revert to" older version of the playlist
  • Some issues with the SD 16:9 resize modes
  • When replacing clip, attributes are now kept

Release notes for OnTheAir Video only

  • Create "Live inputs" (this will either be a real video card input or a direct link from OnTheAir Video or OnTheAir Node) and use those Live inputs as a video clip in your playlist. This greatly simplifies the workflow when you want to handle Live inputs.
  • "Automatically use images as logos" preference. When enabled, if you have in the same folder a png image and a movie file that bear the same name, we will use the png image automatically for the logo of that movie. These png images are then not added to the playlist when doing a drag and drop.
  • Optimizations of the "Smart Resize and Graphics" engine for better performances on smaller computers