OnTheAir Video, OnTheAir Video Express - Version 4.1.5
Jun 05

Release notes for OnTheAir Video Express and OnTheAir Video

  • Logs: Log when clips are added or removed from a playlist
  • SMB: Automatically scan every 30 seconds the content of folders we monitor if they are on a SMB Volume. This is done because sometimes we would not be modified of a clip being modified/added/deleted from folder.
  • General performance and stability improvements
  • When doing a skip to next and the next clip is both offline and has a "hold" clip end behaviour, the skip to next would not work
  • Contact Support: Log collect was not working when time was set to AM/PM
  • Blackmagic-Design: Potential memory leak issue

Release Notes for OnTheAir Video only

  • Remote: Added more filters to the "Open Remote Playlist" menu
  • Remote: Improved online/offline status when opening playlists with clips that are not from a Media Browser
  • Remote: Thumbnails were not properly loaded
  • Remote: Issue where all items where validated each time the playlist was reloaded from JSON
  • ProBel: Now reconnecting to new IP when modifying IP of ProBel