Release Notes
- Engine:: Added support for 10bit output
- REST API:: Added an API to send live subtitling data
- Effects:: Added the ability to Blur an item (in the shapes item, you can create a blur item that will blur every layers below it. Work in progress as it is not yet possible to set the blur value)
- Animations:: Added the ability to do 'Squeeze back" animations on items
- Smiles:: Added the ability to change the "baseline" of a smile
- Items:: Added the ability to "search" or "filter" for items in a project. Very useful when you have a lot of items
- REST API:: Added the ability to change the Font, the fill color and stroke color of a text item
- Universal application for better performances on Apple M1 Silicon computers
- Engine:: Major rewrite of the graphics engine to use Metal instead of OpenGL
- Video Outputs: Updated AJA (v17), Blackmagic-Design (v12.7); Deltacast (v6.20) and NDI (v5.6) SDKs
- Blackmagic-Design devices:: Added support for keying with more video formats
- Movie Items:: Back to back movie file playout performance improvements
- Engine: Red half screen that was seen in some 2019 and 2020 intel MacBook Pros & iMacs
- Movie Items: Transparency was ignored for ProRes 4444 clips when running on M1 Pro / M1 Max computers (with ProRes acceleration).
- Animations: Issue with ramping of start animations (the ease in/out would not be applied)
- Smile: setup window was not readable when in light mode.
- NDI: Issue with some NDI sources not being seen
- There is no installer anymore. Just drag and drop the application to the Applications folder.
- As there is no installer anymore, this implies that Sample projects and AppleScript examples are not installed. They can be downloaded from the downloads page of our website
For developers using the API there are 2 major changes:
- You should now use "snake_case" instead of "camelCase"
- You now have to specify the "Content-Type" to "application/json" in your requests