OnTheAir Video, OnTheAir Video Express - Version 4.2.0
Apr 16

Warning: New actions !

In OnTheAir Video 4.2, one of the major changes is the new types of Actions. Previously, in OnTheAir Video 4.1 or earlier, actions were only AppleScripts. With version 4.2, actions can be other things than AppleScript in order for example to control the DGO or video routers directly. These new actions required us to change the playlist format to save these actions.

Thus there could be issues when going back and forth between version 4.2 (or later) and earlier versions of OnTheAir Video which were using different actions. Here is the behaviour to expect:

When going from version 4.1 to 4.2:
- Actions will be converted to the new actions with attributes, there is nothing to do.
- You can save the playlist in the new format and if you only use AppleScript actions, you can go back and forth between version 4.1 and 4.2, but not if you use other types of actions.

When going from version 4.2 to 4.1:
- If you were using only "AppleScript" actions in version 4.2, there will be no issue.
- If you used other types of actions, you will be able to open the playlist in version 4.1, but if you save your playlist in version 4.1, you will loose all "non-AppleScript" actions and you won't be able to retrieve them when reopening with version 4.2. So make sure to disable auto-save in that case.
REST API modifications

There are some important changes in the REST API. We recommend using the same OnTheAir Video versions for the client and the server. Particularly if you are using actions.

Release Notes for OnTheAir Video and OnTheAir Video Express

  • Actions: Added a "none" to the ATEM triggers so you can connect to an ATEM (to control it using the new OnTheAir Video actions), but it won't trigger any playback action in OnTheAir Video
  • Engine: Updated NDI SDK to 6.0
  • Engine: Updated AJA SDK to v17.0
  • ATEM Integration: Updated API to version 9.3.3. Requires ATEM Drivers 9.3.3 or later
  • HyperDeck Emulation: Fixed issues when using ATEM Constellation

Release Notes for OnTheAir Video

  • EPG: Added a new EPG (paid) option. Create EPG tags, assign them to clips, and export EPG to XMLTV and TVGuide.
  • Scheduler: New "Calendar" type of user interface.
  • Actions: Added new "Actions": Previously, in OnTheAir Video 4.1 or earlier, actions were only AppleScripts. With version 4.2, actions can be other things than AppleScript in order for example to control the DGO or video routers directly, without going through AppleScripts. Includes router, MIDI, ATEM macros, and SCTE improvements.
  • SCTE input: Added the ability to trigger an Action when a SCTE trigger is received on a video input.
  • Remote: Added the "Remote Pack" option
  • Remote: Added the ability to control OnTheAir Video, view and edit opened playlists (Using : Note that this feature is Work in Progress, make sure to test before using it in production.
  • REST API: Added the ability to get info and modify the currently playing clip (using a request such as this one:
  • REST API: Added the ability skip to next only on live items. (using a request such as this one:
  • ATEM ActionsAdded the ability to use transitions when controlling an ATEM (so select an input in preview, then do the "auto" transition" (only with the new actions)
  • Traffic Option: Added support for BXF and SCD playlist formats