Today Apple announced the new Mac Pro with Apple silicon and highlighted the amazing power of Softron applications. The new Apple Silicon M2 Ultra in the Mac Pro offers a substantial power increase from previous models. Now it is possible to encode 24 channels of Ultra High Definition (4K 60fps), instantly making the Mac Pro and MovieRecorder the largest capture solution available. This will be a valuable solution to broadcasters with large multi-camera setups such as sports venues, concerts, and production studios. For video professionals wanting the highest definition possible, MovieRecorder on the new Mac Pro encodes six channels of 8K video. Softron’s replay solution M|Replay also sees a significant power increase from this new machine, capturing eight channels of UHD and simultaneous playback of eight more UHD channels. Softron’s core principle -- ease-of-use -- makes M|Replay popular globally, notably for its instant replay function in sports adjudication. Since the Apple Silicon was first announced two and a half years ago, Softron has witnessed the great potential of these chips and expanded its possibilities. Thanks to the unified memory architecture, solutions such as Softron’s graphics engine OnTheAir CG can now output eight channels, opposed to the previous single channel. Softron's video playback solution, OnTheAir Video, can now output more than 8 UHD channels on a single Mac Pro. The new Mac Pro marks the final computer in Apple’s lineup to go to the new Apple Silicon, and Softron could not be happier to be part of this exciting announcement. Established in 1982, Softron offers applications for professional video workflow solutions exclusively on Mac and serves customers in film, commercial, broadcast, journalism, business, and houses of worship worldwide.
We're always excited for NAB in Las Vegas - the lights, the food, the spectacle that is the Strip. What's not to love? But mostly we look forward to meeting new friends and reconnecting with the amazing people we've met in past years. We're also happy to share new information on our products, or introducing our products to those who haven't yet discovered what we're all about.
Check our NAB 2023 page to learn what's new at NAB 2023
We are adapting the Euro prices to match the equivalent exchange rate of the US dollar. The new rate will be in effect on January 1st, 2023. To preview what the prices in Euros will be, check our store and refer to the current prices in $US, or download our 2023 Pricelist. Be sure to account for this change in pricing for projects budgeted for next year. If you have any questions, as usual, we are just an email away.
What's new at IBC? We hope we can see you at IBC this year, but in case you can not make it, make sure to check our IBC 2022 page to see what's new and what will be shown.
We started shipping the new GPICommander 3 USB box today. It looks identical to GPICommander 2, but it uses a new chip, and thus our software need to be updated. If you order one from now on, make sure that you use a software that is compatible with it. Read more...
We're welcoming some new products, bidding some goodbye, and giving one item a small raise... We price our products as low as possible, but due to the events of the last couple years we are forced to raise the price on one item -- the Serial Commander -- by a small amount. View the product description for the Serial Commander here. We have also removed the M|Family bundle products, as well as the S|44 and S|62. The S|40, S|80, and S|8R bundles are still available, though now the licenses are bundled to a single serial number, rather than on a dongle. We have, however, added two new items to our lineup: the MovieRecorder Express to Movie Recorder 4 Crossgrade and the S|40E bundle, which includes four MovieRecorder Express licenses on a single serial number.
MovieRecorder 4 was released in 2017, and to help our customers transition to the new version from MovieRecorder 3, we'd offered an upgrade path to make that change as comfortable and affordable as possible. As many of you know, due to the global supply chain issue, our M|Family products are no longer available, and will remain unavailable for the foreseeable future. As such, effective April 15th, 2022, the M|Family upgrade paths will no longer be available, either. We will still maintain the MovieRecorder 3 to MovieRecorder 4 upgrade paths, including the 4-pack upgrades, so you will be able to upgrade after that date, but the M|Family upgrades did offer significant savings -- so if you own one of these products and have not yet upgraded, now's the time! Note that the M|Family upgrades do not include OnTheAir Video Express upgrades, only MovieRecorder 3 to MovieRecorder 4.
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